From Your DNA, Your Say

آپ کا ڈی این اے ، آپ کا کہنا

Dr  Q Annie Hasan leads on the Indian arm of "Your DNA, Your Say", the international study on DNA and data sharing

آپ کا ڈی این اے ، آپ کا کہنا

7th January 2019

Click here to open a new window where you can download all of the Your DNA, Your Say Hindustani language videos

Dr  Q Annie Hasan is a Senior Consultant & Head of Department at the
Department of Genetics & Molecular Medicine, Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad, India
She is also President of the Board of Genetic Counseling, India and is the coordinator of the “Your DNA, Your Say” for IndiaCaption
Shamim Anwer BSc (Maths) is the Director of Keynote IAS Delhi
and helped with the translation of Your DNA, Your Say into Hindustani/Urdu

Further acknowledgement goes to Anees Ayesha (Urdu Writer) for reviewing and validating the translated survey and Zakir S (IT Specialist), Director –  SAAZ Genetics for making it online ready.

Related Link:


Hasan, QA (2019). آپ کا ڈی این اے ، آپ کا کہنا. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 22 March 2019].