From Your DNA, Your Say

“Your DNA, Your Say” Survey from GA4GH

Your DNA, Your Say was highlighted in the NIH National Human Genome Research Institute's monthly blog, "The Genomics Landscape"

“Your DNA, Your Say” Survey from GA4GH

10th January 2017

Excerpt from article:

“Your DNA, Your Say” Survey from GA4GH

The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) has been conducting a study to explore global attitudes and beliefs about the sharing of genomic and clinical information. GA4GH developed a video series and survey that aims to assess public attitudes about the handling of genomic data. The video series includes nine short films that educate viewers about genomic data, including how such data can be used, accessed, and shared by researchers. After each video, viewers are asked to answer a series of survey questions about their views of genomic data sharing. GA4GH hopes that the survey will be widely taken by people from around the world, from all walks of life, and from different age and social groups. The goal is to survey not only patients, research participants, scientists, and health professionals, but also the general public. For more information and to access the videos and survey, see “



Green, E (2017). "Your DNA, Your Say" Survey from GA4GH [Blog]. The Genomics Landscape: A monthly newsletter from the NHGRI director. Available at's_message/nhgri_genomic_landscape_january_2017.pdf [Accessed: 20 February 2018]