From Your DNA, Your Say

Willingness to Donate DNA to Research Is Low, Global Survey Finds

This genomeweb article highlights the Your DNA, Your Say findings published in the American Journal of Human Genetics in September 2020

Willingness to Donate DNA to Research Is Low, Global Survey Finds

17th September 2020

Intro to article:

NEW YORK – Most people who responded to a recent large, international survey said they were either unwilling or unsure about donating their DNA for research.

Large genetic and genomic studies rely on the public to participate by donating DNA and related data, and understanding what influences participation can help bolster numbers, a team led by researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute noted. Through the “Your DNA, Your Say” survey, they asked more than 36,000 people from 22 countries about their attitude toward genomic research and data sharing. As they reported on Thursday in the American Journal of Human Genetics, the researchers found that whether people were willing to donate their de-identified DNA and health data depended in part on their familiarity with the field and who would be using the information.

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staff reporter 2020. Willingness to Donate DNA to Research Is Low, Global Survey Finds. genomeweb [Online]. 17th September. Available at:  [Accessed: 28 September 2020]