How is society responding to genomics?
2nd June 2018
From the New Scientist website:
“Your genome is the DNA blueprint of your body and mind. But to what extent is your personality, physique and future health determined by the genome you were born with? Find out at this one-day masterclass where six genetics experts will talk about: nature vs nurture, the genetic revolution, genetic factors in disease, how genetics shapes medical treatment, gene therapies and gene editing, what sequencing your genome can really tell you, and much more.”
Audience feedback about the event:
“Loved every second of it.”
“A good balance of topics.”
“Very good variety of topics within the subject.”
“It was a really great event with lots of interesting talks.”
“A fascinating day.”
“A lot to think about!”
Audience feedback on Anna’s talk:
“Very enjoyable, a good speaker”.
“Some very difficult topics were explained in a very understandable manner.”
“Thought provoking.”
(To view Anna’s PowerPoint presentation in its entirety, the MP4 video file is recommended as the presentation included numerous embedded video files which are not viewable in the PDF file)