From Your DNA, Your Say

Global sharing of genomic data requires perspicuous research communication

A blog article on the first paper from the meta data analysis of Your DNA, Your Say was published on "The Ethics Blog", the English version of the blog from the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics from Uppsala University in Sweden

Global sharing of genomic data requires perspicuous research communication

14th October 2020

Excerpt from blog:

To understand how our genes affect health and disease, drug reactions, and much more, researchers need to share vast amounts of data from people in different parts of the world. This makes genomic research dependent on public trust and support.

Do people in general trust research? Are we willing to donate DNA and health information to researchers? Are we prepared to let researchers share the information with other researchers, perhaps in other parts of the world? Even with researchers at for-profit companies? These and other issues were recently examined in the largest study to date about the public’s attitudes to participating in research and sharing genetic information. The questionnaire was translated into 15 languages ​​and answered by 36,268 people in 22 countries.

The same article was published on the Swedish version of the blog, here: Etikbloggen.

Related Link:


Segerdahl P. (2020) Global sharing of genomic data requires perspicuous research communication. [Blog] The Ethics Blog: A blog from the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB), Uppsala Universitet. [Online] 14th October. Available at: [Accessed: 29 October 2020]