From Socialising the Genome Your DNA, Your Say

A new deal on data – articulating the contract between science and people

Anna Middleton, Vivienne Parry and Julian Borra co-wrote this article on research data in the Big Data era, published on the GenomEthics blog

A new deal on data – articulating the contract between science and people

20th June 2018

Excerpt from article:

The conversation needs to focus on how science and humanity collaborate and win, together.

Today Anna Middleton (Wellcome Genome Campus Society and Ethics Research), Vivienne Parry (Head of Engagement, Genomics England), and Julian Borra (Citizen, Founder of Thin Air Factory, London) have launched a manifesto asking for a people-powered conversation around the collection, storage and use of biomedical data, so that the journey of human discovery can be pursued collectively and democratically.

This blog was also featured on the Genomics England website


Related Link:


Middleton, A; Perry V; Borra, J (2018). Articulating the contract between science and people: DNA data sharing. [Blog] GenomEthics. Available at: [Accessed: 27 June 2018].