From ABC versus St George's NHS Trust

Woman sues UK hospital over Huntington’s inheritance

This article from BioNews explores the ABC court case and quotes Anna Middleton

Woman sues UK hospital over Huntington’s inheritance

3rd December 2018

Excerpt from article:

“‘This could really change the way we do medicine, because it is about the duty that doctors have to share genetic test results with relatives and whether the duty exists in law,’ Dr Anna Middleton, head of society and ethics research at the Wellcome Genome Campus in Cambridge, told the Observer.

The case was ‘struck out’ (not permitted to proceed to trial) by the High Court in 2015, because of concerns that if doctors were required to disclose genetic information to a patient’s family, it would undermine doctor-patient confidentiality. This decision was overturned by the Court of Appeal in 2017 (see BioNews 901), and a hearing date has now been set for November 2019.”

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Mackle, E 2018. Woman sues UK hospital over Huntington's inheritance. BioNews [Online] Issue 978. Available at: [Accessed: 11 December 2018]