webinar: Involving Patients in Research – Learning from the Mutographs project (part of the science and society bites seminar series)
23rd March 2023
12:30 – 1:30pm GMT
This first seminar in the Science and Society Bites series will explore patient and public involvement in research. While there is a rapidly growing demand for patients and the public to be involved in discovery science, it is not always easy to make this work – for either scientists or the patients involved. Over the past 5 years, two patient advocates have been a part of the Cancer Grand Challenge Mutographs research project lead by a team at the Sanger Institute on campus, engaging with scientists and visiting partner organisations around the world. This seminar, the first in a new series, will hear from them and from staff on the programme, sharing what they have learned and what makes this sort of involvement work best.
Link to join webinar: https://sanger.zoom.us/j/98082263761?pwd=R1RiUllWT1l2M1BDMlM5K3ZaaWprQT09
Passcode: mutographs
It will be of interest to anyone thinking about involving patients or the public or thinking of applying for funding requiring patient and public involvement. The seminar will also launch a report exploring in detail the impact of patient advocacy on the programme and a series of recommendations for the best approach to take when involving patients and members of the public in campus research.
Banner image: Maggie and Mimi’s visit to the Mutographs team in Eldoret, Kenya, 2018. Credit: Kat Arney.