From UK Citizens' Jury on Genome Editing

Implications of powerful DNA-altering technology are too important to be left to scientists and politicians: researchers

The website PHYS ORG published an article on the Science article from the Global Citizens' Assembly on Genome Editing

Implications of powerful DNA-altering technology are too important to be left to scientists and politicians: researchers

17th September 2020

Article excerpt:

Another co-author, genetic counselor Professor Anna Middleton from Society and Ethics Research, Wellcome Genome Campus in the UK, said new gene-altering practices will eventually impact the whole world.

“For technologies such as genome editing it is crucial to understand social impact,” she said.

“The whole globe has the potential to be affected by this, so we must seek representation from as many public audiences as possible across the world.”

Related Link:


PHYS ORG 2020. Implications of powerful DNA-altering technology are too important to be left to scientists and politicians: researchers. PHYS ORG [Online]. 17th September. Available at:  [Accessed: 29 September 2020]