4th February 2021
Course Summary (from the ACSC website):
Owing to the ongoing situation with covid-19, this event will be organised as a virtual course.
We are pleased to announce the seventh in our series of courses on genetic counselling. This course aims to meet the training needs of genetic counsellors, and nurses providing genetic healthcare, as they upskill in response to the roll-out of genomic sequencing in the clinic. This year’s course will focus on the practical applications of genomics with several ‘hands-on’ workshop sessions.
The programme will focus on the fundamental aspects of genomics and bioinformatics that underpin clinical practice. There will be a particular emphasis on learning how to do variant interpretation. For example, the course include several hands-on sessions that will focus on the use of the DECIPHER database, and the identification of variants in cancer and cardiac disorders. Attendees will have the opportunity to work with sequence data and explore how it is created, analysed and delivered. The course will include discussions on the role of genomics in healthcare and the role of genetic counselling in how genomic healthcare is delivered.
The course is suitable for genetic counsellors practising in the UK or internationally. We also welcome applications from nurses or clinicians delivering genetic healthcare. Previous participants may wish to return to this course as the focus on practical application will enable them to develop their skills further. The course has been designed so that it is relevant for use by genetic counsellors in the UK and Ireland in their GCRB registration.
Anna’s full lecture can be watched here:
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