Exploring race, diversity and genomics

This article from the Sanger Institute Blog introduces the innovative new PhD project of Sasha Henriques

Exploring race, diversity and genomics

27th January 2022

Excerpt from article:

The project will explore the intersection between race and ethnicity and genomics, including when it is (and when it is not) relevant to include race in research data; the language used as descriptors of race and ethnicity and who decides this; and how do we ensure equity in benefit from genomics and health research.

Sasha will bring an informed perspective from both her personal and professional experiences as a researcher of Black heritage, which will be integral to the direction of this novel undertaking.

We caught up with Sasha to discuss what inspired her to apply for the role, her early thoughts about the project, and what actions she hopes it might prompt in the future.

Related Link:


Holmes C (2022) Exploring race, diversity and genomics. [Blog] Wellcome Sanger Institute Blog. [Online] 27th January. Available at: https://sangerinstitute.blog/2022/01/27/exploring-race-diversity-and-genomics/ [Accessed: 27 January 2022]