From Genetic Counselling, Ethics, Nursing, Society

Evaluation of a public dialogue on Genomic Medicine: Time for a new social contract?

The final evaluation report for the Genomics England public dialogue project, undertaken by URSUS Consulting. Anna was the invited chair of the Oversight Committee

Evaluation of a public dialogue on Genomic Medicine: Time for a new social contract?

1st June 2019


This report of the independent evaluation of a public dialogue on Genomic Medicine: Time for a new social contract? has been prepared by URSUS Consulting Ltd on behalf of Genomics England (GE) and Sciencewise1. The public dialogue was designed in response to the Generation Genome report (2016) which called for a public dialogue and consideration of whether the nature of genomic medicine, and the societal issues it raises, imply a need for a new ‘social contract’. The process was designed to fit with the completion of Genomics England’s 100,000 Genomes Project and to help inform the roll out of NHS’s genomic medicine service from 2019 onwards. Originally only intended to cover England, at the request of the Scottish Genomes Partnership, a Scottish location was also added in order to explore whether attitudes would be different in the light of the slightly different policy decisions to be taken in Scotland.


Related Link:


Middleton A [chair] (2019) Oversight Committee for The Social Contract project. Evaluation of a public dialogue on Genomic Medicine: Time for a new social contract? Genomics England and Sciencewise Evaluation Report. June