From Socialising the Genome

Ethics and Genomics

Anna was invited to present this session at the Wellcome Genome Campus's Advanced Course for Professionals, Molecular Pathology and Diagnosis of Cancer

Ethics and Genomics

14th October 2016

Summary of the course:

A joint initiative of the Wellcome Genome Campus and the RCPath Interspecialty Committee on Molecular Pathology, this course is aimed primarily at trainee pathologists or haematologists. The programme introduces participants to the rapidly evolving field of the molecular diagnosis of cancer. Clinical scientists entering the field of molecular diagnosis are also encouraged to apply.

The course consists of a series of practical sessions covering current diagnostic methodologies, along with hands-on training in bioinformatics tools and techniques for analysis of sequence data.

In addition, the programme includes talks and demonstrations of next generation sequencing platforms (including the latest developments in genomic technologies) as well as discussions on the ethical, societal and practical implications of introducing genome-wide genetic analyses to the clinic.

The course will also host a number of leading national and international speakers who will give lectures on the molecular pathology of a number of cancers, including lung, colorectal, leukaemia, myeloma and others.



Middleton A (2016) Ethics and Genomics. Teaching on the Wellcome Trust Advanced Course for professionals: Molecular Pathology and Diagnosis of Cancer, Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, 14th October