From Socialising the Genome

Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2016: Generation Genome

Terminology developed through the Socialising the Genome study was referenced by Prof Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, in her annual report

Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2016: Generation Genome

1st July 2017

Excerpt from report (chapter 1, page 2):

Glitches that make you, you

About 99.8% of our DNA is the same as other human beings. But the 0.2% that is different – about 3 to 4 million letters – is what makes each of us unique. Some variation between us is perfectly healthy but some is not and it is these unhealthy differences that the 100,000 Genomes Project is looking for. You can think of them as spelling mistakes or missing paragraphs and pages in your instruction manual.


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Davies SC (2017) Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2016. Generation Genome London: Department of Health