From ABC versus St George's NHS Trust

ABC v St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust: Sharing genetic information in families

Vicky Chico's full presentation from the first ever World Congress of Genetic Counselling at the Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge

ABC v St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust: Sharing genetic information in families

6th October 2017

Vicky’s talk to a group of 220 international genetic counsellors to shed light on a current court case that has the potential to change UK law around confidentiality and duty to warn in light of the increased application of genetic testing in medicine.

The video of Vicky’s talk was created in house by Society and Ethics Research.


Related Link:


Film made by Lauren Robarts. Chico V (2017) ABC v St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust: Sharing genetic information in families. World Congress on Genetic Counselling. 4th-6th Oct. Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK